Final Approach Simulations Support (Registration not required to post) > CYOW Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier Int'l Airport (FSX/Prepar3D) Support

[Prepar3D v4] P3Dv4 CYOW RW25


I'm using the CYOW addon for prepar3D v4. I'm having some issue with runway 25/7. A portion of the runway is missing sometimes please see the attached picture. Sometimes it is fine when I first start P3D and the problem shows up after flying around a bit. Is there any settings in P3D that should be tweaked for the addon to work properly?



--- Quote from: mtmonkey on November 24, 2019, 08:33:15 AM ---Hi,
I'm using the CYOW addon for prepar3D v4. I'm having some issue with runway 25/7. A portion of the runway is missing sometimes please see the attached picture. Sometimes it is fine when I first start P3D and the problem shows up after flying around a bit. Is there any settings in P3D that should be tweaked for the addon to work properly?


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If able, can you send a screenshot or describe your settings under "Terrain" in the "World" tab of Prepar3D?

I've uploaded a file here which will slightly adjust some elevations on the airport. See if you can download the file and place it in your \Prepar3D v4\Final Approach Simulations\Canadian Airports CYOW\Scenery folder. Overwrite the existing file and restart a flight. We'll see if that can provide a temporary fix.

Attached is the p3dv4 terrain setting page. Will the file you provided potentially interference with orbx addons?


--- Quote from: mtmonkey on November 28, 2019, 07:26:48 AM ---Attached is the p3dv4 terrain setting page. Will the file you provided potentially interference with orbx addons?

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the screenshot. The file won't interfere with Orbx addons, since it's an update to the same file that's already in the scenery. 


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