Final Approach Simulations Support (Registration not required to post) > CYOW Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier Int'l Airport (FSX/Prepar3D) Support

[Prepar3D v5] CYOW jetways


Nate Stringer:
Hello, any chance theres a file I can delete to get rid of the jetways and insert sode jetways from gsx? Thanks.

Hello Nate,
Sorry, unfortunately we do not have that as an option at the moment. The jetways and terminal are a combined model. We'll consider it for a future update though.

Kenneth Rouner:
Any chance on a near update to eliminate the jetways. I have GSX and would like to use it.


--- Quote from: Kenneth Rouner on November 26, 2021, 10:20:10 AM ---Hello,
Any chance on a near update to eliminate the jetways. I have GSX and would like to use it.

--- End quote ---


We're looking at rolling out updates for some of our products, including one for CYOW that will have a default jetway option (which can be replaced with GSX jetways).

Dear FAS,
I also recently gained a copy of the Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier Intl. Airport scenery for P3D4-5.
As already mentioned in this post, I would (also) appreciate if there is any chance to eliminate the static jetways that are embedded in the terminal scenery files in order to create a customized setup using GSX Level 2.
So is there any news regarding the before menitoned (optional) update for the scenery or - if not - it would (also) be very much appreciated, if there is any chance for you to supply some modified scenery file(s) without them.
Thanks in advance!


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