Final Approach Simulations Support (Registration not required to post) > MKJS Sangster Int'l Airport (MSFS, FSX, Prepar3D) support

[Prepar3D v5] MKJS elevation


Is there any fix for the elevation problem in MKJS.



I replied the same message to your email but feel free to use the forums instead. The issue you described seems to be a conflict with another addon since the airport should not normally behave that way. Do you happen to have any other landclass addons installed with P3D that could affect the area of Jamaica? Also, do you have MKJS listed at the top of the scenery library page above all other addons?

yes I use orbx global  for my landclass


--- Quote from: Clayton on July 06, 2022, 11:22:00 AM ---yes I use orbx global  for my landclass

--- End quote ---

Okay. First be sure that the Caribbean Airports MKJS scenery entry is above any ORBX entries in the scenery library. If that does not work, check to see if ORBX has an option for disabling certain areas, then try disabling it for the Jamaica region. The sinking effect you are seeing appears to be from P3D having conflicting elevation values for that location.


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