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[Prepar3D v5] MKYS elevation topic (again)


Hi there,
Please could anyone give a short advice on how to solve the sinking effect at MKJS (elevation problem).
Running p3d v5.4 with orbx installed, MKJS at the top of the library.
Had MKJS installed before (without this elev problem!) in p3d v4.5, also with orbx.
Thanks a million!
Cheers, Andreas


--- Quote from: Andreas on October 29, 2023, 02:21:10 PM ---Hi there,
Please could anyone give a short advice on how to solve the sinking effect at MKJS (elevation problem).
Running p3d v5.4 with orbx installed, MKJS at the top of the library.
Had MKJS installed before (without this elev problem!) in p3d v4.5, also with orbx.
Thanks a million!
Cheers, Andreas

--- End quote ---


Sometimes the elevation problem can be a bit tricky since it usually appears to be caused by conflicts with Orbx. However, you may be able to fix the problem just by uninstalling and reinstalling the MKJS scenery.

Andreas Tuerk:
Thank you very much indeed for the hint!
Honestly, I am completely baffled... After re-installing MKJS (only difference this time being that I installed into the p3dv5 directory directly) everything works absolutely perfect now! I have no explanation to this :-)
Thanks again!
Cheers, Andreas


--- Quote from: Andreas Tuerk on October 29, 2023, 07:38:39 PM ---Hello,
Thank you very much indeed for the hint!
Honestly, I am completely baffled... After re-installing MKJS (only difference this time being that I installed into the p3dv5 directory directly) everything works absolutely perfect now! I have no explanation to this :-)
Thanks again!
Cheers, Andreas

--- End quote ---

Glad that worked! Not sure exactly what causes that issue, but luckily reinstalling usually fixes it.



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