Final Approach Simulations Support (Registration not required to post) > Caribbean Airports Volume 1: Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada (MSFS, FSX, Prepar3D) Support

[MSFS] No AI at main terminal TTPP


There is no AI at the main terminal. I see planes on the other side of the airport. I'm using FSLTL for traffic.

Sorry I meant TTPP.


--- Quote from: mike on June 24, 2023, 06:49:47 PM ---There is no AI at the main terminal. I see planes on the other side of the airport. I'm using FSLTL for traffic.

--- End quote ---

Hello, fixed the title for you. Do you have the MSFS marketplace version or did you purchase from our store, or another store such as iniBuilds or SimMarket? Just tested TTPP with FSLTL and seems to be working on my end (image below). Does FSLTL work properly at other airports when you use it?



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