Final Approach Simulations Support (Registration not required to post) > TBPB Grantley Adams Int'l Airport (MSFS, FSX, Prepar3D) Support

 4096 textures


Tom Bstor:
Just bought this.  The SimMarket web page includes the following line in its blurb:
'Upgradable to 4096 Ultra HD textures (free separate download)'
This is intriguing.  Alas, I can't find that download.  Has anybody else managed to find it?  Thanks in advance for any help.

Apologies for missing this thread when you posted it!

There is no separate 4096 download available for TBPB. If you saw that mentioned in SimMarket, it could have been a mistake on their end, but that line was not included when we uploaded the product there. Looking now, it does not appear to be listed anymore on the TBPB product pages.


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